Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Osteopathy, Chiropractic and Physiotherapy?

There are a lot of similarities, depending on the individual practitioner. The underlying philosophies are the fundamental differences. 
Osteopaths & chiropractors are all taught to manipulate or make adjustments to joints (High velocity thrusts or clicks), for physiotherapists this is a post-graduate training. 

At the Osteopath, you will definitely receive a hands-on treatment. With 35+ years of experience I now choose to make fewer clicks, because I only manipulate the most functionally significant joint dysfunctions (osteopathic lesions).

Does it hurt?

Treatment shouldn't be painful, especially since this could be counter-productive. You may feel some soreness after the treatment and maybe the next day. The effects of treatment can be profound and you may feel washed out afterwards.
Drink lots of water and a cold pack may be useful.

How long will it last?

Appointments are scheduled every half an hour, so your hands-on treatment will be < 30 minutes. Protracted treatments are certainly not beneficial!
Generally, the longer you have had a problem, the longer it will take to get better. So, don't put up with those aches & pains for too long! I like to extend the interval between consecutive treatments, as your condition improves.

Do I need a GP referral?

You do not need a formal referral from your GP, although it is always sensible to keep your family doctor informed. Many GPs suggest that some Osteopathic treatment could be helpful.
I have many Doctors, GPs and Consultants on my patient list.

Do I need to undress?

You can keep your clothes on. Please wear loose fitting garments and/or leggings.

Is Osteopathy safe?

Some research has shown that manipulation of the neck carries a very small risk of stroke (1:36,000). Osteopathic manipulation is much more gentle than other treatment modalities. 
Personally I very rarely manipulate the upper cervical vertebrae. 
